Thursday, May 31, 2012

Your Feedback Please

Tell me what you like best about this course.

Comment about how the course was delivered.  Did you find it interesting?  Was it engaging?

List any recommendations you have to make this course better.  Feel free to comment about the structure of the course, the assignments and/or the teaching.

Any other comments

I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your presence, kindness and hard work.  Good luck in the future....and remember you are always welcome back at the school!


  1. i feel that this course has been really SICK! it has been lots of fun! i've learn a lot of things that i didn't know about Canada and the law systems! I feel that this class has been extremely well taught by Mr. John Bevacqua. Im extremely grateful to have been part of this class. I don't think i would change a thing about this course except maybe that i would get more field trips to the court house because that way we would get to put our knowledge into action. THank lots Mr. B. Mucho Love- Milton Javier Davis Flores

  2. I really enjoyed this course very interesting and engaging as well. Class discussions were fun and interesting. Dont feel that there could be much to change as it was a good year.
    Kerr Pili

  3. I enjoyed the in class discussions we had this year. It made the class more interesting and it was refreshing to hear everyone's unique opinion. I also enjoyed watching the video about the controversy around testing and handling evidence. I liked how technology was incorporated into the course through power points and videos. Since I really enjoyed the class discussions, I would recommend more discussions for future law classes.

  4. The course had a lot of good discussions, we all participated and talked about topics that were important to us. The course was very easy to understand but gave us a very in depth understanding on the laws that abide in Canada. The projects were really fun, but going to the courts was the best part of the course because we got to put into practice our knowledge about law, and also have the opportunity to see it in action.

  5. The one thing I liked most about law 12 was the class discussions, every conversation was a debate between people's own opinion. Law 12 was by far my favorite class to be in, with all the fun projects and engaging conversations it really gave the full effect of learning.

  6. This class has been amazing from start to finish. All the conversations were engaging and involved everyone in them, and I really learned a lot from them. What I would like to change: Having some cases that relate to what we just learned, and getting everyone to analyze and use terms of Law. I think it would be a nice change. All in all it has been an amazing class.
    - Eric N.

  7. - group discussions were good. I learned a lot from the course i found it very easy to understand and once i set my mind into the course it made the course really fun especially when we got to work on the group project. The only thing I wish I got to do was go on the field trip.

  8. I believe the course was delivered as expected. Everything was clear and precise. I loved the debates because we all got to engage and express our feelings toward a subject. I do not think the course needs any further adjustments. Keep the field trip, though! That was awesome.

    - Tala

  9. What I enjoyed best about Law 12 was the class discussions. It was very engaging. The structure of the course, I found was very good for my learning style. However sometimes, I thought that question assignments were a little dull.

  10. This course for the times that i have been here have been very intriguing and we learned very useful information. I don't think that i would change anything in the course. The Canadian Law System is pretty straight forward from what we learned about i thought it would have been a little more complicated. I enjoyed this course and Thank you Mr. B for teaching it so well! :)

  11. I thought this class was really interesting and informative and was taught well and clear. This was by far one of my most favourite courses and I'll take a lot from it. I think the homework load/assignments and projects were fair

  12. Tomeia Kirk-GorsuchMay 31, 2012 at 11:49 AM

    This course was probably one of my favourite classes. I really enjoyed the frank discussions and the ability to ask whatever questions we felt like asking. I never felt that I couldn't ask a question and when I did ask a question, it was fully answered. I enjoyed the field trip but wish we could of gone for a bit longer, or could of seen more serious cases. You always made it easy for us to study, giving us a full amount of time to study and always prepared us for it. The only criticism I have is that I wish we could of learned about more cases, and gone more in depth into them.

  13. One of my favorite classes at this school so far it has never been boring yet. Law 12 has been really interesting and I have learned things about our Canadian law system I never knew. Though it was a great class maybe projects that do not affect grades that significantly would help and more picking on the people who don't say too much would help benefit as well. Other than that it has been very memorable. Thank you Mr. Bevacqua

    JP Blanco

  14. I'm glad I chose to take this course because it has been really fun listening about all the News and listening to classmates argue about their own opinion. I don't think there is anything to change, the amount of homework and tests were given fairly.

  15. I dont think that you should change anything about this course! im glad that i switched to this class early in the year because it ended up being an interesting course and something i would like to later pursue, dont stop with the field trip because that made it worth it and very interesting. thank yooooou!!

  16. I found that group discussions were very great for getting to know our classes opinions that lead to debates. Once past these i found it easier to understand the basis of our discussions and of the section.
    So definitely keep the group discussions golden.
    The one thing that really stood out was the field trip! The field trip taught me about the courts and what really happens in them. It taught me it wasnt like anything on the t.v.
    So again keep the field trips golden.
    Thank you for a great year Mr. B

  17. I found this course very interesting, I have learned a lot. I liked how we learned about the court system then visited the court house. I also liked how we did a presentation about a topic and teaching it to the class. This class was perfect it was an even blend of homework, group work, discussion and teaching.

  18. I made multiple mistakes on my paper so...yeah I am just going to type it down.

    This class was awesome. It was really fun listening to other peoples opinion on various subjects taught within the course. Something I really love about the course was that a majority of the course was taught using electronic devices which at times would involve the class. The only bad thing about this course was that it felt really short. Other than that I cant really think of any cons for this course.
    Thanks for everything Mr B

    - Jackie Wong.
